Louis L. Thomas, PhD (he/him), thomaslou@rowan.edu is a new Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability at Rowan University. A dyed-in-the-wool urbanist, Lou’s work reframes equity and all-age family-oriented high-density as essential components to any sustainable or desirable future. He’s published in PLATFORM, JAPA, Planning Magazine, and Planning Perspectives and was interviewed on UCLA’s Housing Voice podcast. Originally from Baltimore, he has a deep love for rowhouse cities and the mid-Atlantic, and is very excited to have joined the faculty at Rowan. A passionate educator, he will be teaching Intro. to City Planning; Land Use & Conservation; Community Planning Engagement & Design; Enviro. & Sustainability Planning, and Senior Research Seminar, among other courses. He previously taught as an adjunct in most of the planning programs around Washington, DC, and worked as a planner for Montgomery County, MD. He earned his PhD from MIT's Dept. of Urban Studies & Planning in 2019, and his MCP from UMD in 2012. He also attempts to put his money where his mouth is and has been raising two kids first in Boston, then DC, and now South Philly. He and his wife made it until their eldest was seven and there was a global pandemic before they owned a car.
Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability