GREEN-SJ: Partnering in your Environmental Future at Rowan University
What is GREEN-SJ?
Green-SJ is a program within the Department of Environmental Science (ES) at Rowan University funded by the National Science Foundation to foster greater participation in the geosciences and provide a home base for transfer students and existing ES majors at Rowan. Green-SJ supports transfer students who have to adapt to a new school and new professors as they earn a Bachelor's degree at Rowan and offers Environmental Science majors already at Rowan the opportunity to get more out of their undergraduate experience. GREEN-SJ provides opportunities to work in labs, tutor peers, and pursue internships, while earning the credits and salary students need to achieve their educational goals, all within a supportive community focused on their success at Rowan and beyond.
What are the benefits?
- Professional development and workforce training
- Scientist mentors
- Up to 6 credits of tuition for students transferring into Rowan University Environmental Science
- Internships in Southern NJ's premier environmental firms
- Research opportunities in Rowan University Environmental Science laboratories
- A strong professional network already in place upon graduation
How do I get involved?
Funded GREEN-SJ opportunities are available. If interested in being considered for funded opportunities, please apply using the Google Form application.
Applications for participation in Spring/Summer 2025 are open now!
All Rowan University ES students and incoming transfer students may participate in workshops and professional development. Watch department email and flyers for notifications.
Contact us for more information
At RCSJ-C: Professor Young,
At Rowan University: Dr. Christensen, or Dr. Crumrine,