Lily Pfeifer
Lily Pfeifer
Lily Pfeifer, Assistant Professor
326 Discovery Hall
Courses taught:
- GEOL01.240 Field Methods in Geology
- GEOL01.303 Advanced Topics in Geology
- GEOL01.320 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- GEOL01.321 Basin Analysis
- GEOL01.432 Tectonic-Scale Climate Change
Research keywords: sedimentology-stratigraphy, paleoclimatology, geochronology, Paleozoic, climate change, paleosols, deep time, field geology
Dr. Pfeifer is a geologist with expertise in sedimentology and paleoclimate. She studies ancient sedimentary basins, applying both traditional field methods and analytical techniques (e.g., geochronology, geochemistry, cyclostratigraphy, granulometry), to understand the climatic and tectonic processes that prevailed hundreds of millions of years ago (primarily in the Paleozoic world). Broadly, her research—from Western Europe to the midcontinent U.S. to Alaska—illuminates aspects of the Earth’s climate system (e.g., long-term controls on carbon cycling) that have implications for understanding present and future climate solutions. Recently, Dr. Pfeifer has begun work on a collaborative project to investigate the sustainable environmental use of traditionally downcycled materials such as glass. This project offers abundant local opportunities for student participation in field-based research (in South Jersey) and cross-disciplinary collaboration on campus.
2020-2021 Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Oklahoma
2020 Ph.D. Geology, University of Oklahoma
2014 M.S. Geology, University of Oklahoma
2012 B.S. Geology, Bucknell University
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