BS in Environmental Science
BS in Environmental Science
BS in Environmental Science
Rowan Core (25 s.h)
Communicative Literacy:
COMP 01.111 College Composition I (3 s.h)
COMP 01.112 College Composition II (3 s.h)
CMS 04.205 Public Speaking (3 s.h)
Quantitative Literacy:
STAT 02.260 Statistics I (3 s.h)
Science Literacy:
CHEM 06.100 Chemistry I (4 s.h)
Global Literacy:
Elective choice (3 s.h)
Humanistic Literacy:
PHIL 09.369 Philosophy of Science or elective choice (3 s.h)
Artistic Literacy
GEOG 16.160 Intro to Mapping and GIS (3 s.h)
Non-program Gen-Ed courses (24 s.h)
CHEM 06.101 Chemistry II (4 s.h)
MATH 01.130 Calculus I (4 s.h)
MATH 01.131 Calculus II (4 s.h)
BIOL 01.104 Introduction to Evolution and Scientific Inquiry (4 s.h)
PHYS 00.210 Physics I (4 s.h)
GEOL 01.101 Physical Geology (4 s.h)
Environmental Science Core (49 s.h)
BIOL 01.106 Introduction to Genetics (4 s.h)
BIOL 01.203 Introduction to Cell Biology (4 s.h)
BIOL 01.204 Introduction to Ecology (4 s.h)
CHEM 07.200 Organic Chemistry I (4 s.h)
EVSC 01.110 The Environmental Experience (1 s.h)
EVSC 01.115 Environment in the Headlines (1 s.h)
Choose one (3 s.h):
EVSC 01.101/ENST 94.101 Planet in Peril
EVSC 01.120 Oceans in Crisis
EVSC 01.121 Global Environmental Change
EVSC 01.122 Future of Food
Choose one 4 (s.h):
EVSC 01.380 Atmosphere and Climate
EVSC 01.385 Oceans
EVSC 01.220 Global Climate Crisis (3 s.h)
EVSC/ENST 01.202 Environmental Science Research Methods & Data Analysis (4 s.h)
ENST 94.101 Human Nature: Introduction to Environmental and Sustainability Studies (3 s.h)
ENST 94.301 Environmental Ethics (3 s.h)
EVSC 01.350 Field Methods in Environmental Science (4 s.h)
EVSC 01.305 Contaminants in the Environment (4 s.h)
Choose one (3 s.h):
EVSC 01.410 Environmental Science Clinic
EVSC 01.420 Senior Seminar in Environmental Science
Restricted Electives (12 to 14 sh)
In consultation with advisor, choose four Environmental Science electives OR other approved courses.
Free Electives (8 to 10 sh)