Grievance Procedures

Grievance Procedures

Grievance Procedures

Rowan University outlines processes for filing grievances differently for students than faculty and staff. In addition, there is a statewide agreement governing New Jersey college faculty that details grievance procedures. We have listed notes on these procedures and provided direct links to sources and more information below.

Student Procedures

Rowan University provides the following mechanism for documenting student grievances:  This web site includes a form by which students and members of the community might submit complaints / grievances.

The specific procedures for addressing student complaints / grievances are as follows:

Students are also able to seek assistance from the University Ombuds regarding issues they are encountering at Rowan.  The contact information for that office is available here: and the reasons why one might contact the Ombuds to seek help are available here:

Faculty and Staff Procedures

Faculty and Staff can seek help with workplace issues via the University Ombuds.  The contact information for that office is available here: and the reasons why one might contact the Ombuds to seek help with workplace issues are available here:

Faculty and Professional Staff are governed by a Memorandum of Agreement between the Union and the University.  Any candidate for recontracting and tenure may file a grievance at any point if there is knowledge of a violation of process.  The Procedure for submitting such a grievance is described on page 37 of the MOA:

Statewide Agreement for Faculty

The State Colleges and University in New Jersey have a more comprehensive and in-depth “Agreement” documented here:  This agreement governs all faculty within the state that are part of the Union, and it provides a detailed review of how grievances may be initiated on Page 6 of the original document and Page 10 of PDF.